
My hubby hails from a family where, good food was always appreciated. God bless my father-in-law’s soul. I hear so many food stories from Mr. Parveez, that it truly amazes me on how well he has been introduced to so many delicious dishes.  He has so many different and unheard delicacies that his father brought home every now and then.

The funniest part is that my father in law never let out his secret, not even after the children grew up, not even after they got married, not even after they had children. No matter how much you ask, he would never give out the address to the places, instead he would drive by himself and get you what your heart desires to eat….So, this aflatoon happens to be one of my hubby’s favorites.

This recipe will taste quiet close to pumpkin pie, but it way less in calories and carbs. This goes great for special day breakfast or tea time. It tastes awesome with Masala chai or coffee.

Ohh!! Did you think the story ends here….NO, there is more, I have tried to make this dish almost 5 times to make it taste the way my hubby’s taste buds remember from his childhood…OK! now you think I sound crazy…Well, if you had a man who loved you so much, making him feel happy is all you would want to do…and trust me, the way to a man’s heart and to make sure his heart is your home, the path needs to be carved out through is taste buds to his belly…LOLzzz… Life is beautiful and it stays beautiful and blessed when you color it with love around you….Enjoy!!!

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A popular pumpkin semolina cake, a dish from Bangalore.
Votes: 2
Rating: 3
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Cuisine Indian, Mughlai
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Cuisine Indian, Mughlai
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Votes: 2
Rating: 3
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  1. Take the pumpkin and grate it. Grate the khoya too. Mix them both.
  2. Mix in suji, maida, egg and baking powder in with khoya and pumpkin.
  3. Add the sugar and Milk Powder. Mix to khoya and pumpkin.
  4. Mix everything well and add Ghee.
  5. It should be a thick cake like dough. Turn the oven on 325F. Put the mix in a baking pan.
  6. Bake for 35-40 or until the top is brown or well done….Serve with tea or coffee.
Recipe Notes
  • If the sugar has big granules, grind it before adding.

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