Korean Barbecue Chicken

We love chicken, Biryani, Kebabs, curries, soup. Its easy to cook and loved by all. I am always on a lookout for new recipes, specially recipes that can be eaten by kids from all cultural backgrounds. Indian foods offer large variety of kebabs, but sometimes kids just want a different flavor altogether, and I am always trying to experiment with different flavors.

We once went to this wonderful Korean BBQ Restaurant. We could only stick to the seafood since the chicken or meat wasn’t halal. The live BBQ was awesomely set up on our table and though they do serve with different salads and Rice bowls with sauces, but the there was nothing that we enjoyed more than the seafood. The amazing part was that the seafood they got was not marinated, and they carried marination sauce bowls that they would brush on the seafood and this was the first time I ever came across a marination that can be put directly while the food is being cooked. That’s when I felt I had to try this at home with Chicken or meat, and that trying turn finally came after almost a year.

I marinated the chicken slightly with salt and vinegar. The Indian me wanted to add a little ting to it before I started cooking it. It was lovely making the sauce, I tried to make it as close as I could to what I had tasted. the kids loved it and it can be made with ease and in when you have little time in hand. There are some modifications to make it look pretty, you may or may not. Enjoy!!!

Marwar Tangdi Kebab

I belong to the desert region of India. The land of forts and palaces, “Rajasthan”. When you think of Rajasthani or Marwari cuisine, ghee, daal baati, churmas and ker saangri are one of the first dishes that come to your mind. Very few people realize that marwari cuisine has loads of non vegetarian dishes as well, which are equally [a little more for me] delicious.

The land of Marwar brings me the memories of Khada masala Gosht, Pathreeli Raan, Laal Maas, Murgh ke Sholay, Rajasthani Malai Biryani and of course the Tangdi Kebab. Rajasthan is the land of Rajput community and most of the non Vegetarian dishes are a gift from them. Even till this date, a lot of Royal families are very fond of good food and you will see the Kings and Queens cooking for leisure.

These Kebabs make a great appetizer and have impressed my guests most of the times and have always been complimented on the great dish. These Tangdi kebabs are spicy, crunchy and flavorful and taste very different from the regular tangdi kebabs. Its a must try for every Kebab lover.

Chicken Banjara Tikka

It’s just impossible to be Kebab fans and not try different recipes of kebab. It’s sad when I see people liking different kebabs at restaurants, but not being able to make the difference out in flavors. Flavor have so much to say, every spice blends in uniquely with another spice creating delicious stories. Every place has their own f

These kebabs have a very nutty flavor with low to moderate spice level. They are great as side dishes or for a coffee/tea party.  This dish is very different from the regular kebabs. The marination is very earthy, fresh and the taste of each spice can be distinguished.

I believe some of the best, healthiest and quick kebab or tikka recipes come from the Nomads and I have a valid reason for it. Nomads were travelers, never settled at one place for long. So, basically they always had fresh food, since they didn’t have ways to store their meat and they must be grinding their spices right before it needs to be used. A fact that most of run away from these days is that frozen food tastes as good as fresh, which isn’t true at all. But, what breaks my heart even more is when I see people knowing something deep down but still not agreeing to it.
You could be in the best shape of your life, but your internal organs might be reacting to all the junk you feed it, the preservatives, the chemicals are taking toll and ruining your internal mechanism and the only way for you to set it right is by eating good and clean food.

Well, now the story…So, generally when I try a dish for the first time, its always an experiment and since I hate wasting food, I make sure the quantity is little. I made these kebabs and my little one was barely 4 years old. But, unlike most 4 year old, he had very strong taste buds and was very vocal about his food choices. So, Banjara tikka was served and he loved them, but since I had not made much, they finished faster than I could blink. My little one started throwing a tantrum for more and started crying when told that we didn’t have any more. That’s when I realized that I had some left over kebabs from previous day, which looked similar in color. I put them on the skewer the same way and got them to the dining table. He stopped crying, picked up the skewer, smiled but didn’t look too sure, so, he smelt it, Yes! you read it right, he smelt it and put it back saying,”its not the same kebab” and started crying again. We couldn’t stop laughing and I promised him to make the same kebabs for dinner the next day, which I did.

This dish is simple, it contains peanuts so you will have check for a substitute if you are allergic to nuts.

Andhra Chicken 65

When I first moved to USA, after being married, this dish was one of the initial kebabs I started making as a side dish with dal chawal. I would even make it as an appetizer when we had guests over. One of the easiest and family loved recipe. The kids love it too and its great to be served as a Sunday Brunch or a play date.