Cold Coffee

Coffee is an all times favorite. Some like it hot, others cold, some with milk and some Black. I usually enjoy my hot coffee Black but I love the frappuccinos and never miss a chance to buy them from my favorite coffee place.

I always loved making cold coffee at home since I was in my teenage. It was kind of one of the first few things I started making and it was always a family favorite, which of course continued after I got married and had my boys. My boys loved cold coffee as well. A hot summer afternoon and a chilled cold coffee was all one needs to cool down.

So, with time I started noticing a lot of difference between the frappuccino we had at our coffee place and the one I made home. As much as its acceptable to believe that there is always that difference between homemade and restaurant bought stuff, its also tough to give up without trying.

I got to trying to make the frappuccino restaurant style.  A few failures, not so good tries, loads of trials and errors  and I perfected the cold coffee and made a perfect Frappuccino. Creamy, chilled, thick , sweet and the perfect amount of coffee.