
My love for Baklava began in 2003. I was working for a University in Amman, Jordan. Trying out different foods and adapting myself to new culture and people is when I first time tried Baklava. Now, Baklava tastes very different in all middle east countries. I might sound bias but there is nothing like the Jordanian baklava. Its crunchy, nutty, crispy with just perfectly sweet. Its hard to decide how much sugar will be perfect for your baklava but constant practice made me come up with the perfect measure.

Like most of my other recipes, this recipe too is not that tough. Just be precise with your measurements and oven heat and time. Make sure the nuts you use are fresh and enjoy the flavor of a wonderful Baklava. It can be made a day before for your guests and is a great dish for potluck parties too. The shelf life is a week and can be extended to two weeks if you refrigerate it. Though it should be thawed before serving.