Braided Cheese Spicy Rolls

These delightful braided rolls are a great accompaniment to any meal, specially the brunch or lazy lunch days. The coarse chili flakes isn’t overpowering. I could have used this dough to even make burgers.

Its lovely to experiment with breads at home. The trick I learnt with time is that if your yeast doesn’t rise, redo it. A yeast that does not rise won’t make your dough airy and won’t make the dough rise. Generally, when people add the yeast directly to the flour, its advisable that you use instant yeast.

Besides the yeast, before you get pro at baking breads, always make sure you read the recipe and all the instructions properly before you start. Don’t believe anyone when they tell you how difficult it is to make a great bread or pizza crust or rolls, because trust me, it isn’t as difficult as it seems. Making good bread is an art, but it can be easily be learnt.