Nutella Danish
Danish with a dash of Nutella
Servings Prep Time
6people 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6people 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Roll the dough pieces in long rectangles and brush some egg wash on them. Preheat the oven to 325 F.
  2. Spread some Nutella on them.
  3. Roll it as a cylinder.
  4. Join the ends and make a heart shape.
  5. Arrange on a baking tray and baste a little unsalted butter on them. Place them in the oven for 25 – 30 minutes.
  6. Once baked, they should turn golden brown in color. Place them on a cooling rack for 10 minutes.
  7. Dust some confectioner’s sugar and serve.
Recipe Notes
  • You can use store bought puff pastry dough.
  • Recipe for the puff pastry is available in the dough section.