Halwa Puff Pastry
Halwa cooked with Chana Daal and coconut wrapped in Puff Pastry
Servings Prep Time
8people 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
8people 20minutes
Cook Time
  1. Wash and soak the daal for 2 hours.
  2. Boil the daal till its soft and mushy. Puree the daal.
  3. Cut the coconut to small pieces.
  4. Add coconut and milk in a blender.
  5. Add the milk powder to the blender too.
  6. Blend everything well till it makes a perfect puree.
  7. Add ghee to a pan. Add cloves, cinnamon stick and cardamom powder to the ghee.
  8. After 1 minute, add the pureed daal. Cook for 10 minutes.
  9. Add the coconut and milk puree. Keep cooking for 10 -15 minutes till it gets a little thicker.
  10. Add nutmeg powder.
  11. Add sugar too.
  12. Keep stirring on low to medium flame till all the water evaporates and the halwa becomes thick.
  13. In the end, the consistency should be thick and grainy. Time to reach this stage should take around 20-25 minutes of constant stirring. Put the halwa aside to cool down.
  14. Turn the oven to 350F Roll the puff pastry out to squares or rectangles
  15. Seal them like a pocket. Put the pastries in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  16. Serve warm