A South Indian breakfast made with Rice, Toovar daal and mixed vegetables.
Servings Prep Time
4people 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 30minutes
Servings Prep Time
4people 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20minutes 30minutes
  1. Boil the toovar daal with salt and turmeric with 1 cup water.
  2. Add 1/2 cup water and also add the vegetables [potatoes, eggplant and peas] separately.
  3. Once the Vegetables are partly boiled, add the Rice.
  4. Boil and cook till everything is soft, mushy and blends well together.
  5. Add tamarind, jaggery and bissibhele bhaath masala. Mix them all well. At this point, you can add little water if it looks too dry. Add salt as well.
  6. This is how it it should look once everything is cooked together.
  7. Prepare the Tempering by adding ghee to a pan. Add mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafoetida.
  8. Add Onions and fry well.
  9. Add the tempering to the prepared Bissibhelebhaath.
  10. Fry the cashews.
  11. Add the fried cashews to the Bissibhelebhaath too.
  12. Serve Hot or warm with some crunchy and spicy Boondi.
Recipe Notes
  • You can use any kind of vegetables.